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Monday, October 5, 2015

Nightly Routine With Presley

(Originally written last night, 10-4-15)

It's becoming a nightly tradition. I sit down in my spot on the couch, holding a fussing baby girl in my arms, and I push play on the MP3 player to introduce an amazing melody into the room from a small speaker sitting just beside me on an end-table. 

Immediately, the fussing baby forgets what had her so distraught as she gazes over my shoulder to the box of magical sound. Her eyes are bright and full of wonder, and her whole body becomes still as she cuddles closer to my chest. Her little head of delicate light-brown cotton rests upon my shoulder, and most nights, she slowly drifts into a peaceful slumber. 

This moment has become a memory, still fresh, although I will cherish it forever. As this routine played out tonight, just a few hours ago, I held my baby daughter, Presley, tightly and for a long time after she had fallen asleep, I didn't want to let her go. Her tiny body was so warm, and her little head was so soft, I just held her close as the music played. 

I enjoyed every single second of it, and it has become an amazing routine that I will look forward to until the day time itself will have no more of it. 

A New First Post

I've decided on a fresh start to this here blog. It's been sitting dormant for so long, but it has been on my mind a lot lately. I have taken the older posts and filed them in the "past" folder, and now here I begin anew. 

There is just this one obstacle that I haven't found a solution to yet, and that is, where do I begin? It seems that life has become so busy and somewhat complex over the past few years. I am working full-time as a glazier in Baltimore. It affords me just enough every week to support this household filled with many children, and a cat. 

There are four boys under this roof -- Gavin, 15, Michael, 14, Jack, 6, and Jason who will be turning 5 in a few months. And then we have our latest addition, Miss Presley, who is but 5 months old. Oh, and as I said, there's the cat, whom is called Cash by the family, but I simply refer to him as, "Cat". 

My first daughter, Carly, who is 15, lives not far from us with her mother. 

That all may sound a bit overwhelming. Yes, that's the end of that sentence, there is no, "but," there because it is overwhelming. My wife stays home and takes care of the kids during the day. It is rare during these times to hear of such a situation anymore, but we thought long and hard about this, and for us, it is what works best. 

As overwhelming as it may be at times, there is still a lot of love in this house. We do our best to try and raise our kids with morals and values, while teaching as best we can some knowledge about God. Yes, I am a Christian, although not a very religious Christian. I believe whole-heartedly in the one true God, and his only begotten son, Jesus. 

I don't refer to the word religion to describe myself because to me, it relates too much to a duty I must perform to show people how godly I am.  Instead, I simply refer to my faith. I have faith in the existence of a Heavenly Father, who gave us salvation through Jesus, the Messiah, and I trust the words of the Bible--not some shady, watered down version--but the true Bible and all the inspired words within. 

My faith would never have me claim to be perfect, but I can surely tell you that I try everyday to follow God's Spirit, and live accordingly.

I suppose this is enough for an appropriate "new" first entry. Until next time...