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Friday, January 1, 2016

My Growing Children

It is now 2016. Time sure does fly, but that goes without being spoken. That phrase alone has become a staple in our everyday vocabulary, and sometimes I say it without even thinking much about it. Really though, if I stop to reminisce too much, I become completely puzzled at how quickly the years have gone by.

It's this photo that was taken recently that has me in this current puzzled state of mind. It's a photo of me with my right arm around my oldest daughter, and my left arm around my oldest son, as we stand in my mothers kitchen. I'm not sure why this picture sent so many emotions through me, but it did. 

It was the sight of my kids standing next to me - Carly, nearly level with me, and Gavin, just slightly taller than me. 

What happened!?

Of course, I have noticed the fact that my kids have grown significantly within the past few years, but seeing the three of us standing together really drove the realization home. It seems like not so long ago, I was able to pick both of these kids up in my arms and give them a hug. If I were to try that now, I might just hurt myself.

Gavin turned 16 years old in the beginning of last December, and Carly will be turning 16 at the end of February. There really is not too many words to describe this puzzled state. I'm sad in a way, thinking of all of my memories I have of the two of them as small children, and yet, I am extremely proud seeing the fine young adults that my children have become.